
This website is an exhibition of my explorations into the world of fractals – a hobby project born out of pure curiosity and slowly turning into an artistic endeavor. Its intention is to showcase the images that I have captured while offering some explanations into the theory behind them. I cannot call myself a mathematician, but hopefully that ends up working to my advantage as far as the explanatory work goes. Some insights into the computational process behind the images is also provided for the benefit of any would-be fellow explorers.

  • If you are mainly interested in looking at the imagery you can start browsing them here.

  • If you are interested in learning how the sausage is made you can start your journey here.

  • If you have any unanswered questions you can find my contact details below.

How this all started

Sometime around the early 2000's I had a fractal image set up as my desktop background. Although at that time I had no idea what a fractal was I thought the image cool enough for it to earn its place on the screen of my (recently acquired) very own computer. Although eventually the novelty wore off and the next thing took its place something about the aesthetic of the image stuck with me. Back then I thought "Buddhabrot" was just the name given to the picture by whoever created it and left it at that.

Fast-forward to the year 2021. I happened to have some time on my hands and decided I should start something new. Some small hobby project that would be a good excuse to learn new things. Although I don't remember for sure I think it was running into this beautiful Youtube video that eventually decided the issue of what to work on. Buddhabrot? That sounds familiar. How hard can it be? Slowly the small project evolved into something not-so-small – into something which I hope to partially chronicle on this website.


  • The software used to generate the images and videos on this website is not publicly available at this time, but I am happy to answer any and all related technical questions.

  • Bandwidth and storage is not free so almost all images on the site are downscaled and/or compressed versions of the originals (which can be up to 16K at the time of writing).

  • Direct image links are intentionally not stable and are subject to change when the page is updated. Please consider linking to the permanent preview page URLs instead (for example this page).

  • All content on the site or posted elsewhere, as well as the site itself is licensed under Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0.


Should you have any questions or comments regarding the showcased works or any other content on the website you can e-mail me at: Unfortunately this is not my day job so patience is a virtue, but I will get back to you!