Here the Anti-Buddhabrot consisting of only the stable orbits is rendered from a very particular angle. Situated somewhere between the ZrZi and ZrCr planes we get to see a 3D-combination of the two – something which might be called the ZrZiCr subspace. In verbose terms this is an orthographic projection of a three-dimensional slice of the four-dimensional whole.
The bifurcation process which splits orbit bulbs in two is visible along the Cr-axis. The relatively huge main cardioid intersects the two smaller period-2 bulbs at the first bifurcation point c=-¾. This doubling process continues up to period-∞ which is reached at around c≈-1.4011551890 (see here for why). Beyond this point the periodicity of the subsequent orbits follows no easily discernible pattern although they still remain stable all the way up to c=-2. This chaotic periodicity pattern creates the more interesting parts of the bifurcation diagram (see Bifurcate n°1 through n°8).