Flower #17
A rendering from the boundary of the Mandelbrot main cardioid and the period-17 bulb (at internal angle ~127.06°). The bright point in the center represents the singular oscillation of the main cardioid branching off into seventeen different orbital phases. The luminous branches growing out from the central point end up at their own branching points which – due to a slight misalignment – don't line up as perfectly as the central point. Thanks to this misalignment however the substructure at these junction points is better highlighted. It is also no coincidence that the structures closely resemble Julia sets from near the bifurcation point c=-¾.
The bright strands represent the stable orbital paths while the dark areas that surround them represent the unstable regions of numerical chaos. The image makes plain the fact that despite their differences these polar opposites meet at the middle and together conspire to draw out this beautiful shadow-and-light depiction of a "Buddhajulia" set (that's what I call them anyway).