Making of Bleeps
A visualization of how the Flock of Bleeps unpacks itself out of a single starting spiral. One iteration step takes two seconds and the "in between" is shown using a linear interpolation of point data. If the video was a half an hour longer and you took a screenshot every two seconds of z₀, z₁, and so on (up to z₁₀₀₀) and stacked them up you'd get the Flock of Bleeps image.
The video nicely shows how – as the iteration depth advances – the initial sample spiral starts to condense around the three attracting complex points through which the stable period-3 orbit travels. The final stacked image shows the three luminous spiral paths of convergence a bit better than the video since here you only see the iteration "wavefront".
Around the three attracting points there is a halo of stability (purple with polka dots) corresponding to the various outgrowths of the associated period-3 bulb. These regions will never diverge even if you kept on iterating to infinity. Everything else (the greenish/blue) however does diverge, and at the end of the video you can clearly see an "escape tail" spiraling outwards from the near the attracting points.